Dating Yourself!

I’ve been slacking on writing lately! Creativity was zapped, and then I had a cold. However I’m back and hope I can keep up a bit of momentum!!

Recently I’ve taken some time to look at where my life is at. A lot changed last year while I was working 2 jobs and completing my Master’s degree fulltime. Friendships changed, and some were lost. I know this is natural. A lot of friendships were also made stronger, and new ones created! It was a rough year for me personally and I was very glad when 2015 came along.

One thing that changed last year was that a lot of my friends met their significant other. This is good. I hope they are happy and that they are cultivating healthy relationships! This doesn’t make our friendships less, just different. I’m okay with this. I’m happy my friends are happy! Just because they are less available does not mean I want to stop getting out there and trying to meet new people!

What do I mean by dating yourself? I mean going out and doing things solo!  I find some activities easier than others. I have a tendency to not eat out alone, or go to the movies alone. By the end of the year I hope to do more of this. Here are my rules for going solo:

1. Be confident
You rock! Dress for you and don’t look back! Everyone else is in their own little world and no one is noticing you are alone. Take photos, sing along at the concert, buy yourself a beer! Treat yourself, you deserve it!
2. Let someone know where you are
It’s also nice to let someone know where you’ll be and when because maybe someone will show up! A couple weeks ago my city hosted JunoFest. I went to all the events alone, and ended up meeting family or friends there. Some knew where I would be and met up with me, others just like the same things I do so we ended up in the same place.

3. Branch out
Try something new. Skating, roller blading, painting, writing. Just do that thing you’ve always wanted to do. I travelled alone in 2011 on a Contiki trip. I met people on the trip who lived near and far from my home. However, before I met up with the tour group I was on my own exploring London and Edinburgh. I went to museums, restaurants and shows on my own. I was never scared and I liked being able to do what I wanted when I wanted.

4. Make new friends
It’s hard to make new friends in your 30s, and I know I likely won’t be meeting someone at work. Say hello, smile, be friendly. Strike up a conversation with a friends friend, or the bar tender, or the band! Be open to letting people come and talk to you.

5. Stay in touch with your friends
I still usually invite people out or try to make plans. Even if you get a no, at least they know you are thinking about them still. So make plans, even if they are in two weeks when everyone is less busy! Now you’ll have all kinds of things to talk about.

What do you like to do alone? Any other suggestions to make dating yourself awesome?

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